Santa Monica Acupuncture
Whenever you are searching for the best Santa Monica acupuncture provider, then there are several key things to keep in mind. After all, acupuncture is an ancient art where precision is important, so knowing you are in safe hands makes the entire process far more pleasant.
What Acupuncture Can Help
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine have been practiced for thousands of years. Its history stretches back further than Western medicine. The list of problems that something such as acupuncture can help with is rather extensive. From insomnia to chronic pain, depression, anxiety we could carry on for paragraphs but this isn’t just hearsay.
Instead, acupuncture has been proven to be highly effective in a number of medical studies. The number of people reporting a significant improvement in their conditions after a mere handful of sessions does mean that it goes beyond simple coincidence.
Acupuncture can offer long term cures for conditions that have even been affecting you for a number of years, or even decades.
A Professional Service at Total Wellness Center
Total Wellness Center is a Santa Monica acupuncture company that offers a professional service in a health care setting. The licensed doctor, Dr. James Kim, has more than 30 years’ experience within the field and is a highly respected practitioner.
As a professional acupuncture clinic in Los Angeles, Dr. Kim focuses on the philosophy of helping to heal the inside in order to then improve the outside. As a result, an individual can achieve balance not only within themselves but also with the world that surrounds them. This philosophy applies to every service that is offered at our clinic. Being out of balance puts stress on our body and mind, so it should come as no surprise when things start to go wrong. Correcting that is key to having a healthy outcome.
The Use of Acupuncture Herbs
Dr. Kim of the Total Wellness Center is also an expert at the usage of acupuncture herbs in order to get the best possible results. Herbal medicine is also a fine balancing act where the correct combination of herbs is required to get the desired outcome. Thanks to having worked in the industry for decades, striking this balance is achieved through intricate knowledge that is often lacking elsewhere.
Treatment Designed Specifically For You
At Total Wellness Center, we never believe in using a “one solution for everyone” approach. Instead, each client is treated as an individual taking your own personal circumstances into account. After all, we are unique so clearly, any approach to improving our health should also be unique. Furthermore, we believe in a preventative approach to health. Why try to treat an illness or issue if you can do work beforehand to prevent it from occurring in the first place?
Total Wellness Center offers you a friendly service within a comfortable setting. The aim is to create an environment that is stress-free where the focus is on your healing. From the moment you enter our Santa Monica acupuncture location, you will be engulfed by a feeling of peace and calmness letting you know that you have indeed come to the right place for help. If you have any questions about potential treatment or the services that we offer, then do contact us directly and we will be more than happy to help.
Feel Better, with Acupuncture.
Total Wellness services are available through appointments. Please give us a call at (310) 996-7778 or book an appointment online through the button below.
We Accept Most Insurance Providers
Please check with your insurance provider to make your treatment is covered under your plan. You may also give us a call and we can verify it for you.
Our Clinic
2001 S. Barrington Ave
Suite 308
Los Angeles, CA 90025